Some of you asked some polite questions about my quick little get away to Arkansas and so I wrote a brief blog…that’s what you get for encouraging me!
I had never been to Arkansas and had no idea what to expect, but I think I fell in love. There were huge pastures of rolling green hills that went on forever, broken up only by the occasional stream or pond. Sign, it was GORGEOUS! I don’t know who’s pasture this is but I had total pasture envy!
Everywhere I looked there was creeks, ponds etc… I nearly caused a car accident at one point when I started screaming to stop the car as we were driving down a little road, because, sitting on a log in the pond were 5 little turtles! I’m not sure if you can see them in this picture but trust be they are ADORABLE!!
I think I gained about 5 pounds in the 2 days I was there. Good Lord they have some good food and large servings too. I guess it would have been okay if I had a modicum of self control, but we know that I don’t!
We went to the Scott Plantation Settlement and had the most amazing time.
We had the best tour guide ever and even though we only had an hour and a half to spare we were there for almost 3 hours. The buildings are all authentic plantation buildings that have been donated and moved to this site and set up. Such an amazing place. Check out this 1840’s dog trot log cabin.
After this we went to the Diamond Crater State Park to dig for diamonds.
There had been a tremendous rain the day before so they said that increased our odds of finding surface diamonds…but I think they were just messing with us. 🙂 We didn’t find any diamonds but I did develop a whole new appreciate for the deep, thick and sticky clay they have down there!
One of my favorite places though was the historic town of Washington State Park
The entire town is a monument to the period. We hand dipped candles, learned about blacksmithing, ate a tavern that served period foods, toured a farmstead, weaponry and print shop. It’s really an amazing place!! There was too much for us to see in our short visit but I highly recommend a visit if you get the chance.
Yes, we managed to do all that in 2 days and I’m exhausted, but it was truly beautiful and such a neat place with tons of history and friendly people.